
40 Common Idioms to Use in IELTS Speaking

Posted on 07-10-2024 by thaylem | 38 views

  1. Break the ice
    Meaning: To make people feel more comfortable in a social setting.
    Example: "At the party, I tried to break the ice by sharing a funny story."

  2. A piece of cake
    Meaning: Something that is very easy to do.
    Example: "For me, learning new languages is a piece of cake."

  3. Cost an arm and a leg
    Meaning: Something that is very expensive.
    Example: "The hotel I stayed in cost an arm and a leg, but it was worth it."

  4. Hit the nail on the head
    Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.
    Example: "When my friend said I was stressed because of work, he hit the nail on the head."

  5. Burn the midnight oil
    Meaning: To stay up very late working on something.
    Example: "I had to burn the midnight oil to finish my assignment on time."

  6. Let the cat out of the bag
    Meaning: To reveal a secret by accident.
    Example: "I let the cat out of the bag when I told my sister about her surprise party."

  7. On cloud nine
    Meaning: Extremely happy or joyful.
    Example: "I was on cloud nine when I found out I had passed the IELTS exam."

  8. In the same boat
    Meaning: To be in the same situation as someone else.
    Example: "During the lockdown, we were all in the same boat, stuck at home."

  9. Once in a blue moon
    Meaning: Something that happens very rarely.
    Example: "I go hiking once in a blue moon, but I really enjoy it when I do."

  10. Under the weather
    Meaning: Feeling unwell.
    Example: "I couldn’t attend the meeting because I was feeling under the weather."

  11. Hit the books
    Meaning: To study hard.
    Example: "I had to hit the books every day to prepare for my IELTS test."

  12. Go the extra mile
    Meaning: To make an extra effort to achieve something.
    Example: "If you want to achieve your dreams, you need to go the extra mile."

  13. Pull someone’s leg
    Meaning: To joke or tease someone.
    Example: "Don’t worry, I’m just pulling your leg – I didn’t mean it!"

  14. Bite the bullet
    Meaning: To face a difficult situation bravely.
    Example: "I decided to bite the bullet and take the difficult exam."

  15. Blow off steam
    Meaning: To release pent-up energy or stress.
    Example: "After a tough week, I like to blow off steam by going for a run."

  16. Sit on the fence
    Meaning: To be undecided or not commit to a decision.
    Example: "When my friends argued about where to go on holiday, I just sat on the fence."

  17. Actions speak louder than words
    Meaning: What someone does is more important than what they say.
    Example: "He always talks about being helpful, but actions speak louder than words."

  18. A blessing in disguise
    Meaning: Something that seems bad at first but later turns out to be good.
    Example: "Losing my job was a blessing in disguise – it gave me the push I needed to start my own business."

  19. Call it a day
    Meaning: To stop working on something.
    Example: "After studying for six hours, I decided to call it a day."

  20. Go with the flow
    Meaning: To be relaxed and accept things as they come without stress.
    Example: "When traveling, I like to go with the flow and enjoy spontaneous plans."

  21. Get out of hand
    Meaning: To become uncontrollable.
    Example: "The party got out of hand when too many people showed up."

  22. Spill the beans
    Meaning: To reveal a secret.
    Example: "She accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise trip."

  23. Cut corners
    Meaning: To do something poorly or quickly to save time or money.
    Example: "When they built the bridge, they cut corners, which led to safety issues."

  24. Take with a grain of salt
    Meaning: To not take something too seriously.
    Example: "I take his advice with a grain of salt because he tends to exaggerate."

  25. Burn bridges
    Meaning: To destroy relationships or opportunities.
    Example: "He left his job on bad terms, completely burning his bridges."

  26. Through thick and thin
    Meaning: To stay by someone's side no matter what happens.
    Example: "We’ve been best friends through thick and thin."

  27. A penny for your thoughts
    Meaning: Asking someone what they are thinking.
    Example: "You seem quiet – a penny for your thoughts?"

  28. Cut to the chase
    Meaning: To get to the point quickly.
    Example: "Let's cut to the chase – how much will the repair cost?"

  29. In the blink of an eye
    Meaning: Something that happens very quickly.
    Example: "The holidays went by in the blink of an eye."

  30. Hit the ground running
    Meaning: To start something and proceed at a fast pace with enthusiasm.
    Example: "After graduating, she hit the ground running in her new career."

  31. Bend over backwards
    Meaning: To make a great effort to help someone.
    Example: "I bent over backwards to make sure they were comfortable during their stay."

  32. Keep your fingers crossed
    Meaning: To hope for good luck or a positive outcome.
    Example: "My exam results come out next week; I’m keeping my fingers crossed."

  33. Put all your eggs in one basket
    Meaning: To rely on a single plan or opportunity.
    Example: "Investing all your money in one stock is like putting all your eggs in one basket."

  34. Miss the boat
    Meaning: To miss an opportunity.
    Example: "I wanted to apply for that job, but I missed the boat – the deadline was yesterday."

  35. It takes two to tango
    Meaning: Both parties are responsible for a situation.
    Example: "They both need to work on their relationship; it takes two to tango."

  36. Kill two birds with one stone
    Meaning: To accomplish two tasks with one action.
    Example: "By going for a run to the store, I killed two birds with one stone – exercise and shopping."

  37. The ball is in your court
    Meaning: It is now up to you to make a decision or take action.
    Example: "I’ve done all I can; now the ball is in your court."

  38. Be a big fish in a small pond
    Meaning: Someone who is important or powerful in a small group but not in a larger context.
    Example: "He’s a big fish in a small pond, but he might struggle in a larger city."

  39. On the fence
    Meaning: Being undecided about something.
    Example: "I’m still on the fence about which university to attend."

  40. To call it a night
    Meaning: To stop doing something for the evening.
    Example: "After finishing the presentation, I decided to call it a night."