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Dr. Ngo Cong-Lem

Welcome to my corner of the web! I'm Ngo Cong-Lem, a dedicated researcher and educator in Applied Linguistics & TESOL. I earned my BA from Dalat University, Vietnam, and MA from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan and continued my academic journey with a doctoral degree from Monash University, Australia.

My research passion lies in leveraging AI to enhance education, improve evidence review practices, and innovate language teaching methodologies.

I am the proud founder of OA Science, advocating for open access and fostering research collaboration. In addition, through TESOLvn.com, I facilitate knowledge exchange among the Vietnamese TESOL community. Currently based in Australia, I am affiliated with Monash University's Faculty of Education.

Beyond academia, I find solace in meditation, mindfulness practices, and the art of web development. Join me as we explore the intersection of education, technology, and sustainable development.

— Ngo Cong-Lem

His publications have appeared in:

Beyond his academic pursuits, whenever time allows, he develops web apps for researchers and educators (see examples).

Feel free to reach out for potential collaboration at ngoconglem@gmail.com.

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