
IELTS Speaking Sample Test: Topic 18 - Food and Eating Habits

Posted on 03-10-2024 by theylem | 28 views

Part 1 (Introduction)

1. What’s your favorite food?
"My favorite food is definitely sushi. I love the combination of fresh fish, rice, and seaweed, and the variety of flavors it offers. It’s light yet filling, and every bite feels like an adventure."

2. How often do you eat out?
"I eat out about once or twice a week, usually on weekends. I enjoy trying new restaurants and cuisines, but I also appreciate home-cooked meals because they are often healthier and more budget-friendly."

3. What kind of food did you eat when you were a child?
"When I was a child, my family mostly ate traditional dishes from our culture, which included a lot of rice, vegetables, and soups. My mother would cook simple yet flavorful meals, and we always had dinner together as a family."

4. Do you prefer to eat healthy food or fast food?
"I prefer to eat healthy food most of the time, like fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, because they make me feel more energetic and balanced. However, I do enjoy fast food occasionally as a treat — sometimes a burger and fries can be quite satisfying."

5. Have your eating habits changed over the years?
"Yes, my eating habits have definitely changed. In the past, I would eat whatever was available, without much consideration for health. But now I try to be more mindful of what I eat, focusing on balanced meals and including more whole foods. I also pay attention to portion sizes and try to drink plenty of water."

Part 2 (Long Turn)

Describe a memorable meal you have had. You should say:

  • What the meal was
  • Where you had it
  • Who you had it with And explain why it was memorable.


"A memorable meal that I had was a Thanksgiving dinner at a close friend's house a few years ago. It was my first time experiencing a traditional Thanksgiving celebration, and I was excited to try all the classic dishes like roast turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.

The meal was prepared by my friend’s family, and it felt very warm and welcoming. We sat around a large table, and everyone shared stories, jokes, and laughter. The food was absolutely delicious, and the atmosphere was filled with joy and gratitude.

This meal was memorable to me not only because of the fantastic food but also because of the sense of togetherness and tradition that I felt. It was a special moment that allowed me to connect with a different culture and make lasting memories with friends."

Part 3 (Discussion)

1. What are some advantages of having a balanced diet?
"A balanced diet provides all the necessary nutrients your body needs to function properly. It boosts energy levels, improves digestion, and can help maintain a healthy weight. A well-balanced diet also contributes to better mental health, stronger immunity, and overall well-being, reducing the risk of chronic diseases."

2. Why do you think people like to try different cuisines from other countries?
"People enjoy trying different cuisines because it’s a way to experience other cultures and flavors without leaving home. Food is an integral part of cultural identity, and tasting dishes from other countries can be a way to broaden one’s culinary horizons. It's also a form of adventure and curiosity, as each cuisine has its own unique ingredients, spices, and cooking techniques."

3. Do you think people’s eating habits are influenced by their culture?
"Yes, eating habits are greatly influenced by culture. People tend to eat foods that are part of their traditional cuisine and are available locally. For example, in some cultures, rice is a staple, while in others, bread or pasta might be more common. Cultural practices also dictate how meals are prepared, shared, and consumed, whether it's eating with family or friends, or having certain foods during festivals and celebrations."

Key Vocabulary and Pronunciation

Vocabulary Pronunciation (IPA) Meaning Example Sentence
Home-cooked meal /hoʊm kʊkt miːl/ A meal that is prepared and cooked at home "I prefer a home-cooked meal over eating out."
Balanced diet /ˈbælənst ˈdaɪət/ A diet consisting of a variety of different types of food that provide the necessary nutrients "A balanced diet is important for staying healthy."
Gratitude /ˈɡrætɪˌtjuːd/ The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation "Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude and family."
Portion size /ˈpɔːrʃən saɪz/ The amount of food served in a single eating occasion "Controlling portion size is important for a healthy diet."
Culinary horizons /ˈkʌlɪnɛri həˈraɪzənz/ The range of food experiences and tastes a person has "Trying new dishes helps expand your culinary horizons."
Nutrients /ˈnjuːtriənts/ Substances in food that the body needs for growth and health "Vegetables are packed with essential nutrients."
Staple food /ˈsteɪpəl fuːd/ A food that is eaten regularly and in large quantities as part of a diet "Rice is a staple food in many Asian countries."
Roast turkey /roʊst ˈtɜrki/ A turkey that has been cooked in an oven until brown and crispy "We had a delicious roast turkey for Thanksgiving."
Whole foods /hoʊl fuːdz/ Foods that are minimally processed and free from additives "Incorporating whole foods into your diet is beneficial."
Chronic diseases /ˈkrɒnɪk dɪˈziːzɪz/ Long-term illnesses that progress slowly, like diabetes or heart disease "A balanced diet can help prevent chronic diseases."
Traditional dishes /trəˈdɪʃənəl dɪʃɪz/ Foods that are typical or customary for a particular culture or country "Each country has its own traditional dishes."
Adventure /ədˈvɛnʧər/ An unusual or exciting experience or activity "Trying new cuisines is an adventure for your taste buds."
Digestive health /dɪˈdʒɛstɪv hɛlθ/ The state of having a well-functioning digestive system "A diet high in fiber is good for digestive health."
Cultural identity /ˈkʌlʧərəl aɪˈdɛntɪti/ The way a person identifies with their culture and traditions "Food plays a significant role in cultural identity."
Fast food /fɑːst fuːd/ Easily prepared, quick-to-serve, and often unhealthy food "Eating too much fast food can affect your health."
Mindful eating /ˈmaɪndfəl ˈiːtɪŋ/ Paying full attention to the experience of eating and savoring food "Mindful eating can help improve your relationship with food."
Mashed potatoes /mæʃt pəˈteɪtoʊz/ Potatoes that are boiled and then mashed with milk and butter "Mashed potatoes are a classic side dish for many meals."
Sustainable food practices /səˈsteɪnəbl fuːd ˈpræktɪsɪz/ Methods of food production and consumption that are environmentally friendly "Sustainable food practices are becoming more popular."
Lean meats /liːn miːts/ Meats that have a low fat content "Lean meats like chicken and fish are part of a healthy diet."
Dining experience /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ɪkˈspɪriəns/ The act and atmosphere of eating a meal, particularly in a social setting "A good restaurant offers a memorable dining experience."