
IELTS Speaking Sample Test: Topic 17 - Travel and Tourism

Posted on 03-10-2024 by theylem | 18 views


Part 1 (Introduction)

1. Do you like traveling?
"Yes, I love traveling. It’s a great way to discover new places, learn about different cultures, and meet new people. Exploring new destinations is not just exciting but also helps me broaden my perspectives."

2. What kind of places do you prefer to visit?
"I prefer visiting places that offer natural beauty, like mountains, beaches, or national parks. I love destinations that have scenic views and provide an opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, or just relaxing in a peaceful environment."

3. Do you plan your trips in advance?
"Yes, I usually plan my trips in advance to make sure everything is organized. I like to research about the destination, book accommodation, and plan the itinerary. However, I also like to leave some room for spontaneous activities to add a bit of adventure."

4. Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?
"It depends on the situation. I enjoy traveling alone because it gives me the freedom to explore at my own pace and be more reflective. But traveling with friends or family is also great as it adds a sense of shared joy and makes the experience more memorable."

5. Do you think traveling is becoming more popular?
"Yes, traveling has become more popular in recent years. With affordable flights, easier access to information online, and a growing interest in exploring new cultures, more people are traveling for both leisure and work. Additionally, social media has made travel destinations more appealing, encouraging people to explore places they see online."

Part 2 (Long Turn)

Describe a memorable trip you had. You should say:

  • Where you went
  • Who you went with
  • What you did there And explain why it was memorable.


"One of the most memorable trips I had was to Japan a few years ago with my close friends. We visited cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, and each place had its own unique charm.

In Tokyo, we explored the bustling streets of Shibuya, visited traditional temples, and even experienced the high-tech side of the city in Akihabara. Kyoto was more serene, with beautiful gardens, historic temples, and traditional tea ceremonies. We also got to see the famous Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. In Osaka, we enjoyed the local street food and the vibrant nightlife.

This trip was memorable because it was a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, and it allowed me to experience a culture that was so different from my own. The food, the people, and the sights all made it a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will never forget."

Part 3 (Discussion)

1. What are the advantages of traveling to different countries?
"Traveling to different countries provides numerous benefits. It broadens your horizons by exposing you to different cultures, languages, and ways of life. It can enhance your knowledge about the world, improve your understanding and tolerance of different cultures, and even provide opportunities to build international friendships. Additionally, traveling can be a great way to relax and rejuvenate, allowing you to take a break from your daily routine."

2. How can tourism benefit local communities?
"Tourism can have a positive impact on local communities by boosting the economy. It creates jobs in various sectors like hospitality, transportation, and retail. Tourists spend money on accommodation, food, souvenirs, and entertainment, which benefits local businesses. Moreover, tourism can help preserve local traditions and heritage, as cultural events and practices often become attractions for visitors."

3. Are there any negative impacts of tourism?
"Yes, tourism can have negative effects as well. Overtourism can lead to environmental damage, such as pollution and the destruction of natural habitats. Local communities might also suffer from rising living costs and overcrowded spaces, which can reduce the quality of life for residents. Additionally, if not managed well, tourism can lead to the loss of local culture, as communities may change their traditions to cater to tourists."

Key Vocabulary and Pronunciation

Vocabulary Pronunciation (IPA) Meaning Example Sentence
Perspective /pərˈspɛktɪv/ A particular way of viewing things; a point of view "Traveling gives you a new perspective on life."
Itinerary /aɪˈtɪnəˌrɛri/ A planned route or journey schedule "We followed a detailed itinerary during our trip."
Serene /səˈriːn/ Calm, peaceful, and untroubled "The serene landscape of the mountains was breathtaking."
Spontaneous /spɒnˈteɪniəs/ Done without planning, occurring naturally "A spontaneous road trip can be an exciting adventure."
Tolerance /ˈtɒlərəns/ The ability to accept and respect different views or behavior "Traveling improves one's tolerance towards different cultures."
Boost the economy /buːst ði ɪˈkɒnəmi/ To help the economy grow and become more successful "Tourism helps boost the economy in many regions."
Overtourism /ˈoʊvərˌtʊrɪzəm/ Excessive tourism to a particular area, causing problems "Overtourism has led to environmental damage in some destinations."
Scenic /ˈsiːnɪk/ Having beautiful natural scenery "The scenic views from the hilltop were stunning."
Broadens horizons /ˈbrɔːdənz həˈraɪzənz/ Expands one's experience and knowledge "Traveling to different countries broadens your horizons."
Local traditions /ˈloʊkəl trəˈdɪʃənz/ Customs or practices specific to a particular place "Tourists often enjoy experiencing local traditions."
Rejuvenate /rɪˈʤuːvəˌneɪt/ To make someone feel fresh, young, or energetic again "A vacation by the sea can rejuvenate your mind and body."
High-tech /haɪ-tɛk/ Using the most modern or advanced technology "Tokyo is known for its high-tech lifestyle."
Hospitality sector /ˌhɒspɪˈtælɪti ˈsɛktər/ The industry related to providing accommodation, food, and drink services "The hospitality sector benefits greatly from tourism."
Souvenir /ˌsuːvəˈnɪr/ A small item bought as a reminder of a place visited "I bought a small souvenir from the market."
Sustainability /səˌsteɪnəˈbɪlɪti/ The ability to maintain ecological balance without depleting resources "Sustainable tourism aims to preserve natural resources."
Bustling /ˈbʌslɪŋ/ Full of activity and noise; lively "The bustling streets of the city were full of life."
Heritage /ˈhɛrɪtɪʤ/ Cultural traditions passed down through generations "The city is known for its rich cultural heritage."
Affordable flights /əˈfɔːrdəbəl flaɪts/ Flights that are reasonably priced and accessible "Affordable flights have made travel more popular."
Local cuisine /ˈloʊkəl kwɪˈziːn/ Traditional food from a particular place "Trying the local cuisine is a must when traveling."
National park /ˈnæʃənəl pɑrk/ A large natural area protected by the government for the enjoyment of the public "We went hiking in a beautiful national park."