
IELTS Speaking Sample Test: Topic 6 - Hobbies and Leisure Activities

Posted on 02-10-2024 by theylem | 18 views

Part 1 (Introduction)

1. What do you like to do in your free time?
"In my free time, I enjoy a variety of leisure activities. I’m particularly fond of reading novels, especially mystery and adventure genres. I also like to go jogging in the park because it helps me relax and stay healthy."

2. How much time do you spend on your hobbies?
"I try to dedicate at least an hour every day to my hobbies. If I’m really busy, I still make sure to take at least a short break to unwind by listening to music or doing something that I enjoy."

3. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?
"I prefer a balance of both. I love indoor activities like reading, playing board games, or watching movies when I want to relax. But I also enjoy outdoor activities like hiking or cycling because they give me a chance to be close to nature and stay active."

4. Do you think hobbies are important for people?
"Definitely. Hobbies are a great way to relieve stress and take a break from daily routines. They also help develop new skills, provide opportunities for socializing, and offer a sense of accomplishment when you achieve something within your hobby."

5. Have your hobbies changed since you were a child?
"Yes, my hobbies have evolved quite a lot. When I was younger, I enjoyed more physical activities like playing soccer and running around with friends. As I’ve grown older, I’ve developed an interest in more creative and relaxing hobbies like drawing, cooking, and reading."

Part 2 (Long Turn)

Describe a hobby you enjoy. You should say:

  • What the hobby is
  • How often you do it
  • Why you enjoy it And explain what benefits you get from this hobby.


"One of my favorite hobbies is photography. I started taking an interest in photography a few years ago when I bought my first camera. Since then, it has become a passion of mine. I try to go out with my camera at least once a week, especially on weekends when I have more free time.

What I love about photography is that it allows me to see the world from different perspectives. I enjoy experimenting with angles, lighting, and subjects, whether it's capturing a beautiful landscape or a moment of everyday life. It's incredibly satisfying to be able to freeze a moment in time and then look back on those memories later.

The benefits of photography as a hobby are numerous. Firstly, it encourages me to spend time outdoors and explore new places. It’s also a great way to relieve stress because I can lose myself in the process of finding the perfect shot. Plus, it has helped me develop an eye for detail and improved my creativity."

Part 3 (Discussion)

1. What are the benefits of having a hobby?
"Having a hobby provides numerous benefits. It offers a creative outlet for self-expression and helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Engaging in hobbies also promotes mental well-being and can even improve certain skills such as problem-solving, patience, and time management. It’s a great way to spend your leisure time productively and can add a sense of fulfillment to your life."

2. Are there any hobbies that are more popular in your country than others?
"Yes, in my country, sports-related hobbies are quite popular, such as soccer, badminton, and swimming. Many people also enjoy cooking and experimenting with traditional and modern recipes. Additionally, due to the influence of technology, hobbies like gaming and social media activities are becoming increasingly popular, especially among younger generations."

3. Should children be encouraged to develop hobbies? Why?
"Absolutely, children should be encouraged to develop hobbies from an early age. Hobbies can play a crucial role in developing their creativity, motor skills, and social abilities. Engaging in activities like painting, playing musical instruments, or participating in sports can help them discover their talents and build confidence. Moreover, hobbies provide a healthy way for children to spend their free time and develop a more balanced lifestyle."

Key Vocabulary and Pronunciation

Vocabulary Pronunciation (IPA) Meaning Example Sentence
Leisure activities /ˈlɛʒər ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ Activities done for enjoyment during free time "I have various leisure activities to unwind."
Unwind /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ To relax after a period of stress or work "Listening to music helps me unwind."
Stress relief /strɛs rɪˈliːf/ Activities or methods to reduce stress "Exercise is a great form of stress relief."
Accomplishment /əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt/ A feeling of pride or achievement "Finishing a book gives me a sense of accomplishment."
Perspective /pərˈspɛktɪv/ A particular way of seeing or thinking about something "Photography has changed my perspective on life."
Freeze a moment in time /friːz ə ˈmoʊmənt ɪn taɪm/ To capture an image or event as it happens "Taking photos allows me to freeze a moment in time."
Eye for detail /aɪ fər ˈdiːteɪl/ The ability to notice small but important things "Good photographers have a keen eye for detail."
Creative outlet /kriːˈeɪtɪv ˈaʊtlɛt/ A way to express creativity and imagination "Painting is a creative outlet for many people."
Mental well-being /ˈmɛntl ˌwɛlˈbiːɪŋ/ A state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy mentally "Engaging in hobbies improves mental well-being."
Problem-solving /ˈprɒbləm ˈsɒlvɪŋ/ The process of finding solutions to difficult situations "Hobbies like puzzles improve problem-solving skills."
Balanced lifestyle /ˈbælənst ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ A lifestyle that includes a healthy mix of work and play "A balanced lifestyle is important for overall health."
Motor skills /ˈmoʊtər skɪlz/ The abilities needed to control physical movements "Playing sports helps develop children's motor skills."
Fulfillment /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ A sense of satisfaction or happiness from achieving something "Hobbies bring a sense of fulfillment to life."
Leisure time /ˈlɛʒər taɪm/ Free time available for relaxation and hobbies "I spend my leisure time gardening."
Board games /bɔːrd geɪmz/ Games played on a board with pieces and dice "We often play board games as a family."
Hiking /ˈhaɪkɪŋ/ Walking in natural environments, usually on trails "Hiking is a great way to enjoy nature."
Socializing /ˈsoʊʃəlaɪzɪŋ/ Interacting with others to build social relationships "I enjoy socializing with friends over coffee."
Gaming /ˈgeɪmɪŋ/ Playing electronic games, often on computers or consoles "Gaming is a popular hobby among teenagers."
Experimenting /ɪkˈspɛrɪˌmɛntɪŋ/ Trying out new ideas or methods "I love experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen."
Photography /fəˈtɒɡrəfi/ The art or practice of taking and processing photographs "Photography has become one of my favorite hobbies."