
C1 Speaking Sample Test: Social Issues & Equality

Posted on 28-09-2024 by theylem | 15 views

Part 1: Introduction & Interview (2-3 Minutes)

  1. What social issues are you concerned about in your country?
    Sample Answer:
    “One social issue that concerns me is income inequality. In my country, there's a noticeable gap between the wealthy and the poor, which affects access to education, healthcare, and opportunities. Additionally, issues like gender inequality and unemployment also need to be addressed, as they have a major impact on society’s development.”

  2. Do you think individuals can make a difference when it comes to social problems?
    Sample Answer:
    “Yes, I believe that individuals can make a difference. Small actions like volunteering, raising awareness about a cause, or even making conscious choices like reducing waste can have a collective impact. While governments and organizations play a key role, individual efforts can contribute to social change and inspire others to take action.”

  3. How do you think technology is affecting social issues today?
    Sample Answer:
    “Technology has a huge impact on social issues today. On one hand, it has made it easier to spread awareness, connect people globally, and provide platforms for social activism. On the other hand, it has also led to issues like cyberbullying, privacy concerns, and the digital divide, where certain communities lack access to technology and are therefore disadvantaged.”

Part 2: Long Turn (4 Minutes)

Describe a social issue that you think needs more attention.

  • You should say:
    • What the issue is
    • Why it is important
    • Who is affected by it
  • And explain what you think could be done to improve the situation.

Sample Answer:
“One social issue that I think needs more attention is mental health awareness. It’s an important issue because many people suffer from mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress, yet there is still a stigma around talking about it. This stigma prevents individuals from seeking help and can worsen their situation. Mental health affects all age groups, but it’s particularly concerning among young people and those facing economic hardship. To improve the situation, we need to promote open discussions about mental health, provide accessible support services, and educate people on how to recognize and address mental health issues without fear of being judged.”

Follow-up Question:
Do you think that social media has a positive or negative influence on mental health?
Sample Answer:
“I think social media has both positive and negative influences on mental health. On the positive side, it can be a source of support, community, and information. However, it can also contribute to feelings of inadequacy, comparison, and cyberbullying. It’s important to use social media mindfully and take breaks when it becomes overwhelming.”

Part 3: Collaborative Task (4 Minutes)

Task Prompt:
Here are some social issues that people face around the world. Talk together about how serious each issue is and decide which one you think is the most urgent to address.

  • Homelessness
  • Unemployment
  • Discrimination (e.g., race, gender, religion)
  • Access to education
  • Pollution and environmental damage

Sample Discussion Points:
Homelessness is definitely a serious issue because it affects basic human needs like shelter and safety. However, unemployment is also quite pressing, as it not only affects a person’s ability to support themselves but also has wider economic and social implications. What do you think about discrimination as a social issue?”
“I agree, both homelessness and unemployment are very serious. Discrimination, however, is a pervasive issue that can lead to inequality in many areas of life, including work, education, and access to healthcare. Addressing discrimination is essential for creating a more just society. If we had to pick the most urgent issue to address, which one would you choose?”

Extended Answer:
“I think access to education is one of the most urgent issues because education is the foundation for addressing other social problems. When people are educated, they have better opportunities for employment, understand their rights, and can make informed decisions about their lives. However, all of these issues are interconnected, and solving one can help address others as well.”

Part 4: Discussion (5 Minutes)

  1. What do you think are the main causes of inequality in society?
    Sample Answer:
    “I think the main causes of inequality in society include unequal access to resources like education, healthcare, and employment. Socioeconomic status, discrimination, and geographical location also play significant roles. For instance, people from marginalized communities may not have the same opportunities as others, leading to systemic barriers that are difficult to overcome. Additionally, government policies and economic structures can either help reduce inequality or exacerbate it.”

  2. How can communities work together to solve social problems?
    Sample Answer:
    “Communities can work together to solve social problems by collaborating on local initiatives, supporting nonprofit organizations, and raising awareness about important issues. When people come together, they can create programs that provide resources and support to those in need. Engaging in volunteer work, advocating for policy change, and fostering a sense of inclusiveness and empathy within the community can make a big difference.”

  3. Do you think young people today are more socially aware than in the past?
    Sample Answer:
    “Yes, I think young people today are more socially aware than in the past, largely because of technology and social media, which provide instant access to information about social issues. They are more likely to engage in discussions about climate change, equality, and human rights, and many are passionate about making a difference. However, being aware is just one part of the equation—taking action and implementing solutions is equally important.”

Follow-up Question:
How important is government intervention in solving social issues?
Sample Answer:
“Government intervention is crucial for solving social issues because governments have the resources, authority, and infrastructure to implement large-scale changes. They can create and enforce laws that protect human rights, allocate funding to social programs, and ensure that vulnerable populations receive support. However, it’s also important for governments to work alongside nonprofit organizations, private sectors, and citizens to find effective and inclusive solutions.”

Key Vocabulary and Phrases

  1. Income inequality: The unequal distribution of income within a population.

    • "Income inequality can lead to social and economic challenges in a country."
  2. Social change: Significant changes in the structure and behavior of a society over time.

    • "Social change often occurs when people unite to address a common issue."
  3. Digital divide: The gap between those who have access to technology and the internet and those who do not.

    • "Bridging the digital divide is essential for creating equal opportunities."
  4. Mental health awareness: The recognition and understanding of mental health issues and their importance.

    • "Promoting mental health awareness can help reduce stigma and support those in need."
  5. Stigma: Negative perceptions or stereotypes associated with a particular issue or group.

    • "There is still a stigma around mental health that prevents people from seeking help."
  6. Social activism: Efforts to promote, impede, or direct social change.

    • "Social activism can raise awareness and drive policy change on important issues."
  7. Collective impact: The combined effect of a group working together to solve a social issue.

    • "Collective impact can lead to greater progress than individual efforts alone."
  8. Discrimination: Unjust treatment of different categories of people based on race, gender, age, etc.

    • "Discrimination in the workplace can hinder equal opportunities for all."
  9. Systemic barriers: Obstacles that are embedded within the policies, procedures, or culture of an organization or society.

    • "Systemic barriers often prevent marginalized communities from accessing education."
  10. Civic engagement: Individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern.

    • "Civic engagement is crucial for building stronger, more inclusive communities."
  11. Marginalized communities: Groups of people that are excluded or disadvantaged in society.

    • "Marginalized communities often face challenges in accessing basic services."
  12. Nonprofit organizations: Organizations that work to support social causes without seeking profit.

  • "Nonprofit organizations play a key role in addressing social issues and helping communities."
  1. Social equality: A state of affairs in which all individuals have the same rights, opportunities, and access to resources.
  • "Achieving social equality requires breaking down barriers to education and employment."
  1. Advocacy: The act of supporting or arguing for a cause or policy.
  • "Advocacy for climate action has grown significantly over the past decade."
  1. Socioeconomic status: The social standing or class of an individual or group, often measured by income, education, and occupation.
  • "Socioeconomic status can affect access to resources and opportunities."
  1. Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  • "Empathy is essential for building strong, supportive communities."
  1. Policy change: The process of altering policies to address social, economic, or political issues.
  • "Policy change is often necessary to address systemic issues and promote fairness."
  1. Inclusiveness: The practice of including people from all backgrounds and providing equal access to opportunities.
  • "Inclusiveness in education ensures that all students feel valued and supported."