
C1 Speaking Sample Test: Fashion & Lifestyle

Posted on 28-09-2024 by theylem | 20 views

Part 1: Introduction & Interview (2-3 Minutes)

  1. How important is fashion to you?
    Sample Answer:
    “Fashion is somewhat important to me because it allows me to express my personality and mood. While I don’t always follow the latest trends, I do pay attention to what I wear and how it makes me feel. I think that clothing can have a big impact on self-confidence and how you are perceived by others.”

  2. Do you prefer to shop for clothes in-store or online? Why?
    Sample Answer:
    “I prefer to shop for clothes online because it’s more convenient, and there’s a wider range of choices available. Plus, it’s easier to compare prices and find deals. However, shopping in-store allows you to try on clothes and see how they fit before making a purchase, which is an advantage that online shopping doesn’t have.”

  3. How has fashion changed in your country over the years?
    Sample Answer:
    “Fashion has changed quite a lot in my country over the years. In the past, traditional clothing was more common, but nowadays, people tend to follow global trends and wear more modern, casual styles. There’s also been a shift toward more sustainable and eco-friendly fashion, with people becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of their clothing choices.”

Part 2: Long Turn (4 Minutes)

Describe a fashion trend that you like or dislike.

  • You should say:
    • What the trend is
    • Why it became popular
    • How people typically wear it
  • And explain why you like or dislike this trend.

Sample Answer:
“One fashion trend that I really like is athleisure—wearing sportswear or athletic clothing as everyday casual wear. It has become very popular in recent years because it’s both comfortable and stylish. People typically wear leggings, sneakers, and hoodies, which are not only suitable for working out but also for running errands or going out with friends. I like this trend because it’s practical and suits a more active lifestyle. Unlike some other fashion trends that prioritize style over comfort, athleisure offers a balance between looking good and feeling comfortable.”

Follow-up Question:
Do you think fashion trends reflect a person's personality?
Sample Answer:
“Definitely. Fashion is a form of self-expression, and the trends that people follow often reflect their personalities, interests, and lifestyle choices. For example, someone who likes bright colors might have an outgoing personality, while someone who prefers minimalist clothing might be more reserved and simple in their taste. Fashion can tell a lot about a person without them even saying a word.”

Part 3: Collaborative Task (4 Minutes)

Task Prompt:
Here are some factors that influence people’s fashion choices. Talk together about how important each factor might be and decide which one has the greatest influence on people's fashion choices.

  • Personal style
  • Social media and influencers
  • Comfort
  • Cultural background
  • Price and affordability

Sample Discussion Points:
“I think personal style is a major factor in fashion choices because people want to wear clothes that reflect their tastes and personality. However, social media and influencers have a big influence too, as they set trends and inspire people to try new styles. It’s almost impossible not to be influenced when you see fashion content online every day. What about comfort?”
“Comfort is definitely important. People are more likely to wear clothes they feel comfortable in, especially for daily activities. But I also think price and affordability play a key role, as not everyone can afford to follow high-end fashion trends. If you had to choose the most influential factor, which one would it be?”

Extended Answer:
“I would say that social media and influencers have the biggest influence on people’s fashion choices today. With the rise of platforms like Instagram and TikTok, people are constantly exposed to new trends, and seeing influencers wearing certain styles makes them more appealing. That said, all the factors we’ve mentioned are important in different ways, depending on the individual.”

Part 4: Discussion (5 Minutes)

  1. How do you think fashion can affect people's confidence?
    Sample Answer:
    “Fashion can greatly affect a person’s confidence. When someone feels good in what they’re wearing, it often translates to feeling more self-assured and positive. On the other hand, if someone is wearing something they’re uncomfortable in, it can affect their mood and how they carry themselves. Fashion is like a form of armor—it can either boost your confidence or make you feel insecure, depending on how you relate to what you’re wearing.”

  2. Do you think people should care about how they look, or is it not important?
    Sample Answer:
    “I think it’s important to care about how you look to some extent, but it shouldn’t be the only thing that matters. Appearance can be important for first impressions, especially in professional settings, and it can make a difference in how you are perceived. However, it’s also important not to become overly focused on looks at the expense of character, personality, and other qualities that define who you are.”

  3. How do you think the fashion industry can become more sustainable?
    Sample Answer:
    “The fashion industry can become more sustainable by focusing on eco-friendly materials, such as organic cotton or recycled fibers, and by reducing the use of harmful chemicals. Another way is to encourage slow fashion, which emphasizes quality and longevity over mass production. Brands can also promote ethical labor practices and make clothing that’s meant to last longer, so consumers buy less often. Additionally, consumers can contribute by buying second-hand clothes, donating or recycling their old clothes, and supporting brands that focus on sustainability.”

Follow-up Question:
What role do you think consumers play in influencing fashion trends?
Sample Answer:
“Consumers play a huge role in influencing fashion trends. What people buy determines what becomes popular, and many brands pay close attention to consumer demand when designing their collections. Additionally, through the power of social media, consumers can share their favorite styles, support sustainable brands, and create new trends. Brands often respond quickly to consumer preferences, so when shoppers show interest in ethical or sustainable fashion, it encourages the industry to move in that direction.”

Key Vocabulary and Phrases

  1. Athleisure: Casual clothing designed to be worn both for exercising and general use.

    • "Athleisure has become a popular trend for those who want comfort and style."
  2. Self-expression: The expression of one's feelings, thoughts, or personality through choices like fashion.

    • "Fashion is a powerful form of self-expression."
  3. Sustainable fashion: Clothing that is produced in a way that is environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

    • "Sustainable fashion aims to reduce waste and pollution."
  4. Eco-friendly materials: Materials that do not harm the environment during production or disposal.

    • "Using eco-friendly materials helps reduce the environmental impact of clothing."
  5. Minimalist clothing: Simple, classic styles with neutral colors and clean lines.

    • "Minimalist clothing focuses on timeless pieces that can be worn in multiple ways."
  6. Influencers: Individuals who have the ability to influence the purchasing decisions of others due to their authority, knowledge, or relationship with their audience.

    • "Fashion influencers play a big role in setting trends."
  7. Slow fashion: A movement focused on mindful consumption, choosing quality over quantity.

    • "Slow fashion encourages buying fewer, higher-quality items."
  8. Cultural background: The cultural environment from which a person comes, influencing their tastes and preferences.

    • "Your cultural background can affect your sense of style."
  9. Ethical labor practices: Ensuring fair treatment, wages, and working conditions for workers in the fashion industry.

    • "Ethical labor practices are a key component of sustainable fashion."
  10. Trends: General directions or preferences in which something is developing or changing, especially in fashion.

    • "Fashion trends change quickly, with new styles coming out every season."
  11. Social media platforms: Websites or apps that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking.

    • "Social media platforms like Instagram influence fashion trends."
  12. First impressions: The initial perception or opinion formed about someone or something.

    • "Fashion can play a big role in creating first impressions."
  13. Affordable fashion: Clothing that is reasonably priced and accessible to a wide range of consumers.

    • "Affordable fashion allows more people to try out the latest trends."
  14. Fast fashion: Clothing collections that are produced quickly and inexpensively to keep up with the latest trends.

    • "Fast fashion often leads to waste and environmental concerns."
  15. Wardrobe: The collection of clothing that a person owns.

    • "I try to maintain a minimalist wardrobe with only essential pieces."
  16. Timeless: Fashion or styles that remain popular and relevant regardless of trends.

    • "A little black dress is a timeless piece of clothing."
  17. Confidence boost: A feeling of increased self-assurance or positivity.

    • "Wearing an outfit you love can give you a great confidence boost."
  18. Consumer demand: The desire and willingness of consumers to purchase certain products.

    • "Consumer demand for sustainable clothing is changing the fashion industry."