
C1 Speaking Sample Test: Society & Community

Posted on 28-09-2024 by theylem | 19 views

Part 1: Introduction & Interview (2-3 Minutes)

  1. What kind of community do you live in?
    Sample Answer:
    “I live in a relatively close-knit community in a suburban area. Most people know each other, and there’s a real sense of camaraderie. It’s nice because there are plenty of community events, like local markets and sports activities, which bring people together.”

  2. Do you think it’s important to be involved in your local community?
    Sample Answer:
    “Yes, I think it’s very important. Being involved helps build social bonds, increases solidarity, and allows people to contribute positively to their surroundings. Even something as simple as helping organize a neighborhood event can create a sense of belonging and shared responsibility.”

  3. How do you think communities have changed over the years?
    Sample Answer:
    “Communities have changed quite a lot, particularly due to technology and urbanization. In the past, people tended to have stronger ties with their neighbors, while now, many people are more connected online than face-to-face. There’s also been a shift from rural to urban living, which has changed the way communities interact—sometimes making them more diverse but also more individualistic.”

Part 2: Long Turn (4 Minutes)

Describe a community event you participated in.

  • You should say:
    • What the event was
    • Who was involved
    • What you did there
  • And explain how this event benefited your community.

Sample Answer:
“One community event I participated in was a fundraising drive for a local shelter. It was organized by a group of volunteers in my area, including myself, who wanted to help raise money for homeless people. The event involved a variety of activities, such as a bake sale, a second-hand book stall, and even a raffle draw to attract as many people as possible. My role was to set up the stalls and assist with selling items. It was a fulfilling experience because it brought everyone in the neighborhood together for a common cause, and we managed to raise a significant amount of money for the shelter. This event not only helped those in need but also strengthened the sense of community spirit.”

Follow-up Question:
Do you think more communities should organize events like this? Why or why not?

Part 3: Collaborative Task (4 Minutes)

Task Prompt:
Here are some ways people can strengthen their communities. Talk together about how important each of these activities might be and decide which would be the most effective way to strengthen a community.

  • Organizing regular social events
  • Encouraging volunteer work
  • Supporting local businesses
  • Creating online community groups
  • Establishing shared spaces like parks or community centers

Sample Discussion Points:
“I think organizing regular social events is a great way to bring people together and encourage interaction. Events like community barbecues, festivals, or even cleanup drives can help people get to know each other and foster a sense of unity. But I also feel that encouraging volunteer work is important because it directly contributes to the well-being of the community. What are your thoughts?”
“I agree that both social events and volunteer work are valuable, but I believe supporting local businesses is also crucial. When residents shop locally, it boosts the local economy and creates more opportunities for employment. Do you think creating shared spaces could be more effective than these options?”

Part 4: Discussion (5 Minutes)

  1. What role do young people play in their communities today?
    Sample Answer:
    “Young people have a significant role in shaping their communities. They often bring fresh perspectives and energy to local issues, and they can be powerful advocates for change, particularly on social issues like environmental sustainability or inclusivity. Many young people volunteer, participate in local government, or engage in social media activism to make their voices heard and influence their surroundings.”

  2. Do you think technology has brought communities closer together or pushed them apart?
    Sample Answer:
    “Technology has certainly changed the way communities interact. On one hand, it has brought people closer together by enabling instant communication and the formation of online communities where people can share ideas and support each other. However, it has also made face-to-face interactions less frequent, which can lead to a sense of disconnection. People might know each other online but not know their own neighbors. So, it’s a bit of both—it can bring communities together but also create some distance.”

  3. How can communities adapt to becoming more diverse?
    Sample Answer:
    “To adapt to growing diversity, communities need to be open-minded and inclusive. Encouraging cultural exchange through events, language programs, and shared spaces can help people understand different traditions and beliefs. Education is also key; teaching people about diversity from a young age can foster tolerance and respect. Additionally, ensuring that all voices in the community are heard and represented in decision-making can make a more harmonious and integrated community.”

Key Vocabulary and Phrases

  1. Close-knit community: A group of people who are tightly connected and supportive of each other.

    • "I live in a close-knit community where people look out for each other."
  2. Camaraderie: A sense of friendship and mutual trust among a group of people.

    • "The camaraderie among neighbors makes our community special."
  3. Solidarity: Unity and agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest.

    • "Solidarity is important to create a supportive community."
  4. Urbanization: The process of making an area more urban or city-like, often leading to changes in the community structure.

    • "Urbanization has led to the growth of many cities around the world."
  5. Fundraising drive: An organized effort to collect money for a particular purpose, often for charity.

    • "The fundraising drive raised enough money to support the local shelter."
  6. Shared responsibility: A situation where multiple people take on roles or tasks together.

    • "Organizing a community event fosters a sense of shared responsibility."
  7. Community spirit: A feeling of involvement and togetherness shared by people living in a community.

    • "There is a strong community spirit during festivals."
  8. Volunteer work: Unpaid work that is done to help others or support a cause.

    • "Many people contribute to their community through volunteer work."
  9. Local economy: The economic activities and businesses within a particular community.

    • "Supporting local businesses helps boost the local economy."
  10. Social bonds: Connections or relationships between members of a community that strengthen unity.

    • "Community events help create social bonds."
  11. Inclusivity: The practice of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.

    • "Inclusivity is essential for a diverse community to thrive."
  12. Online communities: Groups of people who connect and interact on the internet around common interests or goals.

    • "Online communities can be a great way to connect with people who share similar interests."
  13. Cultural exchange: Sharing ideas, traditions, and other cultural aspects between groups or individuals.

    • "Cultural exchange programs help people understand and appreciate different cultures."
  14. Harmonious: Forming a pleasing or consistent whole; peaceful.

    • "A harmonious community respects and values its diversity."
  15. Advocates for change: People who actively work to promote change or improvement in their community or society.

    • "Young people often act as advocates for change in social and environmental issues."
  16. Diversity: The state of having a range of different people, cultures, or ideas within a group or society.

    • "Diversity brings a variety of perspectives to the community."